50 #if defined(__cplusplus)
51 namespace rrc {
extern "C" {
bool rrcCallConv
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const char* sbml,
bool forceRecompile);
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const double currentTime,
const double stepSize,
double *value);
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const char* symbolId,
double* value);
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const char* symbolId,
const double value);
bool rrcCallConv
getuCC (
RRHandle handle,
const char* variable,
const char* parameter,
double* value);
bool rrcCallConv
getCC (
RRHandle handle,
const char* variable,
const char* parameter,
double* value);
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const char* name,
const char* species,
double* value);
bool rrcCallConv
RRHandle handle,
const char* name,
const char* species,
double* value);
1438 #if defined( __cplusplus)
Structure for a simple vector of strings.
Definition: rrc_types.h:67
char * getConfigurationXML(RRHandle handle)
Get the simulator's capabilities.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1287
RRStringArrayPtr getSteadyStateSelectionList(RRHandle handle)
Get the selection list for the steady state analysis.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1158
bool getScaledFloatingSpeciesElasticity(RRHandle handle, const char *reactionId, const char *speciesId, double *value)
Retrieve the scaled elasticity matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1211
RRListPtr getConcentrationControlCoefficientIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of concentration coefficient Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1400
RRVectorPtr getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve in a vector the concentrations for all the floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:891
bool setBoundarySpeciesConcentrations(RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec)
Set the boundary species concentration to the vector vec.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:982
RRStringArrayPtr getGlobalParameterIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of global parameter Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:862
bool setSupportCodeFolder(RRHandle handle, const char *folder)
Set the path to a folder containing support code for model generation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:320
bool getTimeEnd(RRHandle handle, double *timeEnd)
Get the value of the current time end.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:508
RRListPtr getFluxControlCoefficientIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of flux control coefficient Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1307
bool setTimeCourseSelectionList(RRHandle handle, const char *list)
Set the selection list for output from simulate(void) or simulateEx(void)
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:526
RRVectorPtr computeSteadyStateValues(RRHandle handle)
A convenient method for returning a vector of the steady state species concentrations.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1138
char * getRRCAPILocation(void)
Retrieve the directory path of the shared rrCApi library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:183
bool unLoadModel(RRHandle handle)
Unload current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:462
RRStringArrayPtr getRatesOfChangeIds(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the string list of rates of change Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:631
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getStoichiometryMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the stoichiometry matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:683
bool getuEE(RRHandle handle, const char *name, const char *species, double *value)
Retrieve a single unscaled elasticity coefficient.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1076
int getNumberOfIndependentSpecies(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of independent species in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1102
int getNumberOfDependentSpecies(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of dependent species in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1094
RRHandle createRRInstance(void)
Initialize a new roadRunner instance and return a handle to it.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:98
RRStringArrayPtr getFloatingSpeciesInitialConditionIds(RRHandle handle)
Get the initial floating species Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1220
bool setFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrationByIndex(RRHandle handle, int index, double value)
Set the initial concentration for a particular floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:948
RRVectorPtr getRatesOfChangeEx(RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec)
Retrieve the vector of rates of change given a vector of floating species concentrations.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1229
int getVersion()
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:164
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getScaledElasticityMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the scaled elasticity matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:656
bool setFloatingSpeciesByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value)
Set the concentration for a particular floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:921
bool getFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrationByIndex(RRHandle handle, int index, double *value)
Get the initial concentration for a particular floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:877
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getReducedJacobian(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the reduced Jacobian for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1184
RRDataHandle simulateEx(RRHandle handle, const double timeStart, const double timeEnd, const int numberOfPoints)
Carry out a time-course simulation based on the given arguments, time start, time end and number of p...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:573
char * getSBML(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the SBML model that was last loaded into roadRunner.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:446
char * getSupportCodeFolder(RRHandle handle)
Get the path to a folder containing support code.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:335
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getNrMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the reduced stoichiometry matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:749
RRStringArrayPtr getEigenvalueIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of eigenvalue Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1298
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getUnscaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the matrix of unscaled concentration control coefficients for the current model...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1315
char * getLastError(void)
Retrieve the current error string.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:763
RRVectorPtr getRatesOfChange(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the vector of rates of change as determined by the current state of the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:616
RRDataHandle simulate(RRHandle handle)
Carry out a time-course simulation, use setTimeStart, setTimeEnd and setNumPoints etc to set the simu...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:562
char * getTempFolder(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the current temporary folder path.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:265
bool getEE(RRHandle handle, const char *name, const char *species, double *value)
Retrieve a single elasticity coefficient.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1085
char * getAPIVersion(void)
Retrieve the current version number of the C API library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:150
RRStringArrayPtr getFloatingSpeciesIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of floating species Id.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:839
Structure for a simple vector of doubles.
Definition: rrc_types.h:59
int getNumberOfReactions(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the number of reactions in the loaded model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:781
bool hasError(void)
Check if there is an error string to retrieve.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:758
int getNumberOfBoundarySpecies(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of boundary species in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:808
RRListPtr getUnscaledConcentrationControlCoefficientIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of unscaled concentration control coefficient Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1409
RRListPtr getUnscaledFluxControlCoefficientIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of unscaled flux control coefficient Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1391
Structure for a simple double Matrix type.
Definition: rrc_types.h:75
bool setSteadyStateSelectionList(RRHandle handle, const char *list)
Set the selection list of the steady state analysis.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1148
char * getInfo(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve info about current state of roadrunner, e.g. loaded model, conservationAnalysis etc...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:213
bool setNumPoints(RRHandle handle, int numberOfPoints)
Set the number of points to generate in a time course simulation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:489
bool getReactionRate(RRHandle handle, const int index, double *rate)
Retrieve a give reaction rate as indicated by the index parameter.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:789
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getLinkMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the Link matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:740
RRListPtr getAvailableTimeCourseSymbols(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of all available symbols.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1012
void * RRHandle
Void pointer to a RoadRunner instance.
Definition: rrc_types.h:50
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the matrix of scaled flux control coefficients for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1343
RRVectorPtr getReactionRatesEx(RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec)
Retrieve a vector of reaction rates given a vector of species concentrations.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1241
bool setCodeGenerationMode(RRHandle handle, int mode)
Set the runtime generation option [Not yet implemented].
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1206
bool setFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrations(RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec)
Set the initial floating species concentrations.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:957
bool setBoundarySpeciesByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value)
Set the concentration for a particular boundary species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:930
bool loadSBML(RRHandle handle, const char *sbml)
Load a model from an SBML string.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:400
RRVectorPtr getGlobalParameterValues(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the values for all the lgobal parameter values in a vector.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1002
char * getCPPAPIVersion(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the current version number of the C++ API (Core RoadRunner API) library. ...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:157
bool oneStep(RRHandle handle, const double currentTime, const double stepSize, double *value)
Carry out a one step integration of the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:993
bool loadSimulationSettings(RRHandle handle, const char *fileName)
Load simulation settings from a file.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:428
bool getCompartmentByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value)
Retrieve the compartment volume for a particular compartment.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1425
char * getlibSBMLVersion(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the current version number of the libSBML library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:232
bool isModelLoaded(RRHandle handle)
check if a model is loaded
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:454
char * getCompilerLocation(RRHandle handle)
Get the path to a folder containing the compiler being used.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:312
bool reset(RRHandle handle)
Reset all floating species concentrations to their intial conditions.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:772
char * getBuildTime(void)
Retrieve the current build time (HH:MM:SS) of the library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1465
int getNumberOfFloatingSpecies(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of floating species in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:831
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getFullJacobian(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the full Jacobian for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1175
RRCDataPtr getSimulationResult(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the result of the last simulation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:583
char * getInstallFolder(void)
Returns the folder in which the RoadRunner API is installed.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:134
bool setInstallFolder(const char *folder)
Set the internal string containing the folder in where the RoadRunner C API is installed.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:143
RRHandle createRRInstanceEx(const char *tempFolder, const char *compiler)
Initialize a new roadRunner instance and return a handle to it.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:106
char * getParamPromotedSBML(RRHandle handle, const char *sArg)
Promote any local parameters to global status.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1128
Structure for the result type from the simulate calls.
Definition: rrc_types.h:112
char * getCopyright(void)
Retrieve the current copyright notice for the library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:203
char * getExtendedAPIInfo()
Retrieve extended API info.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:221
A list type, stores int, double, strings and lists.
Definition: rrc_types.h:149
bool getGlobalParameterByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value)
Retrieve the global parameter value.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1048
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getUnscaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the matrix of unscaled flux control coefficients for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1334
bool setTimeStart(RRHandle handle, double timeStart)
Set the time start for a time course simulation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:470
RRStringArrayPtr getTimeCourseSelectionList(RRHandle handle)
Get the current selection list for simulate(void) or simulateEx(void)
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:537
bool setCompiler(RRHandle handle, const char *fNameWithPath)
Set the path and filename to the compiler to be used by roadrunner.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:273
char * getWorkingDirectory(void)
Retrieve the current working directory path.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:343
bool getNumPoints(RRHandle handle, int *numPoints)
Get the value of the current number of points.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:517
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getUnscaledElasticityMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the unscaled elasticity matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:646
char * getCurrentSBML(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the current state of the model in the form of an SBML string.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:239
char * getBuildDateTime(void)
Retrieve the current build date + time of the library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1470
bool getBoundarySpeciesByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value)
Retrieve the concentration for a particular floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1030
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getEigenvalues(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the eigenvalue matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1193
int getNumberOfCompartments(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of compartments in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1417
char * getCompiler(RRHandle handle)
Get the name of the compiler currently being used by roadrunner.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:288
bool steadyState(RRHandle handle, double *value)
Compute the steady state of the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1110
RRListPtr getAvailableSteadyStateSymbols(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of all available steady state symbols.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1021
RRListPtr getElasticityCoefficientIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of elasticity coefficient Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1264
char * getVersionEx()
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:178
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getScaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the matrix of scaled concentration control coefficients for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1325
bool setConfigurationXML(RRHandle handle, const char *caps)
Set the simulator's capabilities.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1274
void * RRDataHandle
Void pointer to a RoadRunner data instance.
Definition: rrc_types.h:53
RRStringArrayPtr getBoundarySpeciesIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of boundary species Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:816
bool loadSBMLFromFile(RRHandle handle, const char *fileName)
Load a model from a SBML file.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:350
RRVectorPtr getFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrations(RRHandle handle)
Get the initial floating species concentrations.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:911
bool setTimeEnd(RRHandle handle, double timeEnd)
Set the time end for a time course simulation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:479
bool getRateOfChange(RRHandle handle, const int, double *value)
Retrieve the rate of change for a given floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1451
bool freeRRInstance(RRHandle handle)
Free the roadRunner instance.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1475
bool getTimeStart(RRHandle handle, double *timeStart)
Get the value of the current time start.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:499
RRVectorPtr getReactionRates(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve a vector of reaction rates as determined by the current state of the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:798
RRDataHandle getRoadRunnerData(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve a handle to RoadRunners internal data.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:594
bool setGlobalParameterByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value)
Set the value for a particular global parameter.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:939
RRStringArrayPtr getCompartmentIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of compartment Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1443
bool getuCC(RRHandle handle, const char *variable, const char *parameter, double *value)
Retrieve a single unscaled control coefficient.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1057
bool loadSBMLFromFileE(RRHandle handle, const char *fileName, bool forceRecompile)
Load a model from a SBML file, force recompilation.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:372
RRDoubleMatrixPtr getConservationMatrix(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the conservation matrix for the current model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:715
RRVectorPtr getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations(RRHandle handle)
Retrieve the concentrations for all the boundary species in a vector.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:901
bool getFloatingSpeciesByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value)
Retrieve the concentration for a particular floating species.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1039
bool setValue(RRHandle handle, const char *symbolId, const double value)
Set the value for a given symbol, use getAvailableTimeCourseSymbols(void) for a list of symbols...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:675
bool getCC(RRHandle handle, const char *variable, const char *parameter, double *value)
Retrieve a single control coefficient.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1067
bool evalModel(RRHandle handle)
Evaluate the current model, that it update all assignments and rates of change. Do not carry out an i...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1119
bool setCompartmentByIndex(RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value)
Set the volume for a particular compartment.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1434
char * getBuildDate(void)
Retrieve the current build date of the library.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:1460
bool setCompilerLocation(RRHandle handle, const char *folder)
Set the path to a folder containing the compiler to be used.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:297
int getNumberOfGlobalParameters(RRHandle handle)
Returns the number of global parameters in the model.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:854
char * getVersionStr()
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:173
bool loadSBMLEx(RRHandle handle, const char *sbml, bool forceRecompile)
Load a model from an SBML string.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:408
RRStringArrayPtr getReactionIds(RRHandle handle)
Obtain the list of reaction Ids.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:602
bool setTempFolder(RRHandle handle, const char *folder)
Set the path to the temporary folder where the C code will be stored.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:257
bool setComputeAndAssignConservationLaws(RRHandle handle, const bool On_Or_Off)
Enable or disable conservation analysis.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:248
bool getValue(RRHandle handle, const char *symbolId, double *value)
Get the value for a given symbol, use getAvailableTimeCourseSymbols(void) for a list of symbols...
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:666
bool setFloatingSpeciesConcentrations(RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec)
Set the floating species concentration to the vector vec.
Definition: rrc_api.cpp:968