Basic Tutorial

Import RoadRunner

To startup roadRunner use the commands at the Python prompt:

import roadrunner
rr = roadrunner.RoadRunner()

The variable rr is your reference to roadrunner. Anything you want to do with roadrunner must be specified using the variable rr.

To get the current version of libRoadRunner type the following:


Loading Models

RoadRunner reads models using the SBML format. If you have a SBML model stored on your hard drive, it is possible to load that model using the method, load(). Let’s assume you have a model called mymodel.xml in C:\MyModels. To load this model in Windows we would use the command:


Note, Windows typically used the back slash, ‘\’ to indicate a directory separator, however in most languages including python, this is the escape character, therefore one can also enter Windows paths using the forward slash ‘/’ which does not cause issues. If one want to use the backslash, these must be typed twice, i.e. 'C:\\MyModels\\mymodel.xml'.

On the Mac or Linux we might use one of these two commands:


rr.load("") #Note: Not available on Windows

If the model was loaded successfully the load method will return True otherwise an exception will be raised that contains extendend information detailing exactly what failed. If any warnings are found in the SBML document, these will be displayed in the console error log.

Additionally, there are a couple models included with libRoadRunner. The models feedback.xml and Test_1.xml are available in the roadrunner.testing module. To access these use:

import roadrunner
import roadrunner.testing

There are a few additional models in the models/ directory of the distribution, where you installed libRoadRunner.

Running Simulations

Once a model is successfuly loaded we can next run a time course simulation. To do this we use the simulate method:

result = rr.simulate()

The variable result will be a Python numpy array. The first column will contain time and the reminaing columns will include all the floating species. In the simulate method we didn’t specify how long to do the simulation for or how many points to generate. By default the time start is set to zero, time end to 40 time units and the number of points to 500. There are two ways to set these values to different values. The easiest is to add them to the called in the following way:

result = rr.simulate (0, 10, 100)

This means set the time start to zero, the time end to 10 and generate 100 points. This means that the simualation points will be output in intervals of 0.1.

The alternative is to set the options record in simulateOptions. The advantage here is that the simulateOptions record holds many other options that might be of interest. To set the time start using the simulationOptions record we would type:

rr.simulateOptions.start = 0

Or to set the many points to use we would use:

rr.simulateOptions.steps = 100

And to set the time end for the simulation we would type:

rr.simulateOptions.end = 10

Typing somethng like:

print rr.simulateOptions.steps

will printout the current value for steps. The follow table summarizes the various options.

Option Description
start Start time for simulation
end End time for simulation. Setting ‘end’ will automatically change ‘duration’
duration Duration of the simulation. Setting ‘duration’ will automatically change ‘end’
steps Number of steps to generate
absolute Absolute tolerance for the CVODE integrator
relative Relative tolerance for the CVODE integrator
stiff Tells the integrator to use the fully implicit backward difference stiff solver
resetModel Resets the sbml state to the original values specified in the sbml.
structuredResult If set (default is True), the result from simulate is a numpy structured array with the column names set to the selections. This is required for plotting and displaying a legend for each time series.

One important point to note about simulate(). When simulate() is run, the concentration of the floating species will naturally change. If simulate() is called a second time, the simulation will use as the initial conditions the last values from the previous simulation. This can be used to easily to follow on simulations. However there will be times when we wish to run the same simulation again but perhaps with a slightly different parameters value. To do this we must reset the initial conditions back to the original values. To do that we run the command reset:


Changing Parameters

Often during a modeling experiment we will need to change parameter values, that is the values of the various kinetic constants in the model. If a model has a kinetic constants k1, then we can change or inspect the value using the following syntax:

print rr.model.k1
rr.model.k1 = 1.2

Selecting Simulation Output

RoadRunner supports a range of options for selecting what data a simulation should return. For more detailed information on selections, see the Selecting Values section.

The simulate method, by default returns an structured array, which are arrays that also contain column names. These can be ploted directly using the roadrunner.plot function.

The output selections default to time and the set of floating species. It is possible to change the simulation result values by changing the selection list. For example assume that a model has three species, S1, S2, and S3 but we only want simulate() to return time in the first column and S2 in the second column. To specify this we would type:

rr.selections = ['time', 'S2']
result = rr.simulate (0, 10, 100)

In another example let say we wanted to plot a phase plot where S1 is plotted against S2. To do this we type the following:

rr.selections = ['S1', 'S2']
result = rr.simulate(0, 10, 100)

See also

More details on Selecting Values

Plotting Data

The built in roadrunner.plot function displays the simulation result and a legend using matplotlib. Simply pass it a simulation result:

result = rr.simulate(0, 10, 100)

If one wants more control over the data plots, or if one wished to pass the simulation result to other numpy functions that expect a unstructured (conventional) array, disable the structured array result with:

rr.simulateOptions.structuredResult = False

This will return a unstructured array. Assuming the simulate returns an array called result, and that the first column represents the x axis and the remaining columns the y axis, we type:

import pylab
pylab.plot (result[:,0],result[:,1:])

This will bring up a new window showing the plot. To clear the plot for next time, type the command:


Plot a graph using normal numpy arrays and will use the selections from roadrunner to add a legend.

Below is a convenient function to plot with a legend. The first argument must be a roadrunner variable. The second argument must be an array containing data to plot. The first column of the array will be the x-axis and remaining columns the y-axis. Returns a handle to the plotting object.

Copy the code below into your own python script and use it:

def plotWithLegend (r, result):
    Plot an array and include a legend. The first argument must be a roadrunner variable.
    The second argument must be an array containing data to plot. The first column of the array will
    be the x-axis and remaining columns the y-axis. Returns
    a handle to the plotting object.

    plotWithLegend (r, result)
    if not isinstance (r, roadrunner.RoadRunner):
        raise Exception ('First argument must be a roadrunner variable')
    columns = result.shape[1]
    legendItems = r.selections[1:]
    if columns-1 != len (legendItems):
        raise Exception ('Legend list must match result array')
    for i in range(columns-1):
        plt.plot (result[:,0], result[:,i+1], linewidth=2.5, label=legendItems[i])
    plt.legend (loc='upper left')
    return plt

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Installing RoadRunner

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What Is SBML?

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